If you want the short version of our blogpost, then just watch the video. And even if you don't, watch it anyways. Clark did a stellar job on this one!!! :)
Happy New Year in Hawaiian is Hau'oli Makahiki Hou. That still is a tuff one for me to say. 2011 is officially gone!!! We can at least say we celerbrated the last few hours of 2011 in style. We started the last day of the year with visting Waimae Bay. Spent time snorkeling, cliff jumping and of course, tanning. After the bay, we ventured up to Pupukau trail. We found the perfect spot to overlook the bay and watch the sun set.

While we watched the final sunset of 2011, I'm pretty sure all of us were reflecting on the past year. Thinking about all the fun times, the memorable times, the hard times, and everything in between. Clark and I were overcome with gratitude. Gratitude for being right in the very spot we stood while watching the sun fade away. Gratitude for being in Hawaii, surrounded by friends. Gratitude for all we have and going to have (little Ms. Hilton). 2011 was a year of change. Some good and some not. Either way, here we are. Trying to live life and enjoy each other and take in all the blessings we have been given. So, with all that being said, we feel like 2012 is going to be a great year. There are so many things to look forward to. We have only been in Hawaii about 3 months and have had so many amazing experiences. Many blank pages await for 2012 and we have no idea what's going to be written on them, but we are ready to start writing our story.

After watching the sun set we got our things and drove to the beach to enjoy a good old fashion tin foil dinner. A first for myself. I couldn't imagine a better place to be while ticking away the last remaining hours. We then finished the night off with a toast to 2012.