Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sweet dreams...

Clark and I are not big morning people and don't really talk to much until we are more awake :) 

This morning though, he was smiling at me and told me he had a dream that he was holding our baby girl at the hospital. He actually got to see her face and said she definitely wasn't going to be bold. This made me laugh... 

Hearing him say that she was beautiful and that she was staring at him with her big eyes was so sweet and special. I can't wait to see the relationship between father and daughter! I do know though how truly blessed I am to have them in my life.


  1. it will be so much better than he could have ever dreamed! your time is getting so close!!! i cant wait for you guys, its so exciting! do you have a name picked out yet?

  2. LOVE your picture and the caption!!!
