My artwork inspired by Hawaii |
Ever since Clark and I met we have talked about moving to the tropical islands of Hawaii. We both tried and hoped that someday we could end up there. It started with us both wanting to attend college there, and then after college trying to find some sort of job on the island. It never worked out for either one of us until now. After talking, praying, researching, dreaming we decided that it was the right time for us to try and make our dream a reality. Buying our tickets to Hawaii confirmed our decision because our tickets were such a great deal! Looking back I now see why we had to wait until now to go on this adventure. Your dreams will come true, maybe not right when u want them to, but when they do it usually turns out even better. It's going to be amazing getting to experience this with my best friend.
We are really stoked and hope you will come and visit us there!
I'm so excited for you guys! It's such a huge adventure :) I can't wait to come visit you guys!!!