Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A new addition to the family!!!

So with months of saving we were able to buy a new camera! Finally! You know how you can get upgrades for your cars and such, well I feel like I just slapped on a turbo, 17" rims, new suspension and a nice new paint job to my videography. This camera has really upped my game. I put this little film together of random things (except Monique, she's not random) to see what this baby can do (its 0-60 mph if you will). I will have to say that I am very satisfied. With the right tweaking you can make these cameras produce film quality stuff. The neat thing about the camera is it has so many manuel controls. In other words I can experiment with tons of different shooting styles. On the other hand, having all the manuel controls makes the camera very difficult to operate. No point and shoot with this one.

The plan is, hopefully, to make some awesome videos of dumb random stuff and not so dumb random stuff to share and post up for memories. Hope you enjoy them. If you don't, at least we do.


  1. Nice video. Camera seems awesome! Can't wait to see more! :)

  2. when I fist read the title I though you guys got a puppy. a new camera is pretty awesome though too :)
