Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kristine+Eric's Wedding...

Kristine + Eric celebrated their wedding this weekend, which we were lucky enough to capture on film. It was one of the most beautiful wedding we got to be apart of so far and wish them nothing but the best. 
The ceremony was held at Christ the King Catholic Church in Buckhead followed with a trolly ride though atlanta to the reception that was held at Park Tavern in Piedmont Park.

Lolly pop or cake on a stick

Penn State colors

Piedmont Park / Atlanta Skyline

following the happy couple to the reception through atlanta in their trolly

Monday, July 18, 2011

Listen to the wisdom of the toothless ones...

Meet Toby and Taylor. They are my ADORABLE nephews. I love being an aunt and spending time with these surfer dudes...

"ONLY AN AUNT - can love you like a mommy, keep secrets like a sister, behave like a true friend & can straighten you out if needed!"

As you can see Tay lost his first tooth and is holding it up proudly. I'm sure the tooth fairy is thrilled to have another treasure added to her collection.

Every year atlanta has free concerts during the summer months. This is why I love this city. There is always something to do... 
Best friend Anna Penner, Chantal and I met sunday night at Park Tavern for a hot relaxed night jamming out to Ingram Hill. Beautiful night watching the atlanta skyline sunset with beautiful people...
Ingram Hill @ Park Tavern

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mystical Aura...

My talented friend Jenna K. and Holly S. created the perfect event to get you excited for the LAST Harry Potter movie that I'm sure you're aware of. Let's just say it was POTTERPALOOZA at the Girl House...

You should know I'm not a Harry Potter fan, but anytime you can dress up silly with your friends you can count me in. Plus the movies I have seen are really good. Here are some pic from this event...


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More Fire... an American Experience...

Our group of amazing friends got together for some 4th of july festivities...

Everything we see and everyone we meet has the power to change our lives, and I simply wanted to capture that moment. Enjoy.

Monday, July 11, 2011

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d sure shootin’ put U and me together

Clark's Videography Company { ArtDeo Films }  shot Jessica + Kenneth's wedding this weekend at Stone Mountain. It was a crazy redneck affair. Lots of fun and silliness. Best part was the photo booth.  
     It may be Redneck Love if...You and your wife compare beer bellies.

Stone Mountain Georgia
I didn't feel good waking up that morning. Clark let me sleep it off before we had to go shoot the wedding and when I woke up these were on the counter next to our bed :o) 
Such a sweetie!! Made me feel better right away...

The American Dream...

Our 4th of July weekend was a blast! Our family had a fun day at Lake Lanier. They have a nice little beach area where we had an epic volleyball battle & made some friends. The sun was bright that day and we had a ball every minute of it...

Hard to believe that its been 12 years since my family and I stepped onto American soil during this holiday weekend. What a culture shock! Now I'm married to an American. We celebrated America's Birthday with our friends and admired the fireworks xoxo 

My American hubby